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7 Reasons You Should Take Health Supplements

If you want to fight disease and achieve maximum life span, you can’t do it with diet alone. You need the extra nutritional boost that only supplements can provide. In many ways, supplements to humans are what fertilizer is to plants. Give a plant adequate amounts of sunlight and water, and it will survive. Add some nutrient-rich fertilizer (organic, of course), and the plant will thrive. Supplements such as vitamins, minerals, essential fatty acids, phytochemicals, and more enrich the body’s internal environment to fortify cellular protection, repair, and regeneration and support tissue renewal. Read full article @: These 7 powerful reasons show that you need to take dietary supplements, no matter how healthy your lifestyle may be.

1) Filling That Nutritional Gap

90% of people don’t get the recommended amount of important nutrients from food alone, due to strict dieting, poor appetite, or changing nutritional needs. Supplementation is intended to bridge the nutritional gap, so that we maintain the proper balance of nutrients from food and supplementation.

2) Nutrient Absorption Declines With Age

As you age, malabsorption becomes a problem because your body doesn’t have the same capability to break down and absorb nutrients as it used to. The production of digestive enzymes, which breaks down and absorbs nutrients from your food, naturally begins to decline the older you get. You may also be taking more medications than you did when you were younger. Most modern medications actually deplete essential nutrients. Supplements can help restore this imbalance.

3) Avoid Harmful Chemicals

Harmful chemicals such as:
  • Pesticides and herbicides used to farm our food,
  • Chemicals found in our water supply,
  • and external environmental issues like pollutions
Create free radicals that attack our digestive and immune system, increasing our need for extra vitamins and mineral. Supplements like antioxidants help fight those free radicals.

4) Exercise Increases Nutrient Needs

As you exercise, your body uses up the energy and nutrients that have been stored in your body. It is vital to replenish these essential nutrients, fuel your energy levels, and promote recovery after an intense workout. That’s why athlete’s diets include TONS of carbs and protein. Taking protein powder is a quick and easy way to get the required calories instead of having to eat a big bowl of pasta and chicken.

 5) Poor Eating Habits

There are a few factors contributing to poor digestion including:
  • Erratic eating habits,
  • Eating processed junk food; and
  • Stress
This makes it difficult for our bodies to extract all the nutrients it needs from food. Supplementation can help prevent the damage poor eating habits are causing.

6) Prevent Expensive Health Issues

Prevention is better than cure, but an apple a day isn’t sufficient to keep the doctor away literally. Taking daily supplements, getting regular exercise, and making frequent trips to the doctors are important for preventing costly health issues from arising in the future.

7) Soil Depletion

Modern farming techniques use fertilizers that deplete the soil and rob the plants of essential nutrients. Fertile soil is a crucial agriculture element for absorbing the proper amounts of minerals. Without this, the plant cannot form essential vitamins.